June 2009 - Lunch Talk
Task-based Language Teaching in Hong Kong classrooms
Dr. Lee Kam Cheung, Francis
EdD, MA(AppLing), BEd, TCert, LPATE(Merit Cert), MCIL
Time & Date:
1:00 p.m. on Saturday, 13 June 2009
Meeting Rooms 1 & 2, 4/F, South Tower,
YMCA, Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
HK$140 (members), HK$160 (non-member)
(lunch included)
Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) is considered the official teaching methodology in the present official English Language Education curriculum documents for Hong Kong schools.Accordingly, English language teachers in Hong Kong should be implementing TBLT in their lessons.However, the complexity in transforming the policy into practice is a subtle process that should never be underestimated in any real educational contexts. Faithfulness of second language teachers to official curriculum documents remains a hot issue to linguists. Owing to localconditions and teachers’ beliefs, it is reasonable to expect that multiple perspectives on TBLT are held by teachers and multiple implementations of TBLT have taken place in classrooms. This talkexamined the factors contributing to this phenomenon.
Profile of the Speaker:
Francis Lee has recently received his Doctor of Education from the University of Technology Sydney. He obtained his BEd and MA in Applied Linguistics from HKU. He has taught English to students at secondary level for 18 years and was the English panel chair in a local secondary school. He has been a member of Chartered Institute of Linguists since 2004. He is also a tutor for English degree courses at the Open University of Hong Kong. His research interest lies in English language teaching methodology, language across curriculum and language learning auto.